
VS2008 : Start an external program on Debug

I have a solution with three projects: is a console (GUI app) for a device connected through Serial Port. Serial Port emulation (console app, self-hosted WCF service). Common interfaces. To debug, I start SerialPortEmulator and then debug (F5) the main project. Two problems: It takes extra keystrokes to start the emulator. I...

How can I debug code like CodeCampServer, that is based on Depedency Injection?

My project structure is like CodeCampServer structure, etc. UI.dll, Core.dll and DependencyResolution.dll that have a dependecy of both of UI.dll and core.dll. In the web.config I use a HttpModules from the DependencyResolution.dll, to instantiate all the dependencies, and therefore I can't run this application in VS2008 because the UI....

OpenCV cvLoadImage() does not load images in visual studio debugger?

Hi all, I am trying to work out a simple hello world for OpenCV but am running out of ideas as to why it is not working. When I compile and run this code: #include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { IplImage* img = cvLoadImage( "myjpeg.jpg" ); cvNamedWindow( "MyJPG", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvShowImage("M...

Actual Debug Symbols for ASP.NET MVC 2 Release Version

I need the actual debug symbols from the released version of ASP.NET MVC 2 (the version that gets installed via the web platform installer). I know I can download the source, build and use the debug symbols from that. But there are a couple issues with that approach: Requires that all other dependencies be rebuilt using this version o...

Why is the dictionary debug visualizer less useful in Visual Studio 2010 for Silverlight debugging?

I was debugging in Visual Studio 2010, which we just installed and trying to look at a dictionary in the quick watch window. I see Keys and Values, but drilling into those shows the Count and Non-Public members, Non-Public members continues the trail and I never see the values in the dictionary. I can run test.Take(10) and see the values...

How to use Visual Studio debugger visualizers built against a different framework version?

I compiled the ExpressionTreeVisualizer project found in the Visual Studio 2010 samples but when I try to use it in a .NET 3.5 project I get the exception below: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Visual Studio 2010\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers\ExpressionTreeVisualizer.dll' or o...

Why is VS2010 looking for framework source code when Just My Code is enabled?

Googling this yields lots of entries on HOW TO step through Framework code. I'm trying to find out how NOT TO step into. First check: Yes, "Enable Just My Code" is checked in the Tools->Options->Debugging. That is supposed to keep VS2010 from looking for source code when you are stepping through a framework function (or anything else t...

IntellitraceFile throwing strange error

Can someone explain this error? (it showed up after enabling tracing in the collection plan.) Test method ExecuteTaskTest threw exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey...

Associate debug information dynamically VS2010

Our system lets us write Iron Python scripts that can be executed as needed. As part of debugging I'd like to be able to write some script and debug in VS 2010. So I attach the debugger to the program and then type in my script. However I would like to try an get source level debugging working, and to do this I need to tell VS2010 to o...

VS2010 debugging SL 4, can't load source code from source server

I am attaching to an IE instance which is running my deployed SL 4 app. All symbols load ok but when the debugger hits a breakpoint instead of loading the source code from TFS it says: SRCSRV: Unable to determine source server information for module 'MyDll' because it is not fully trusted. The website is a local LAN website like https:...

VS2010 (Express) debugger trapping Ctrl+C in Console app

The following has been edited. Hans seems to have retracted his answer, but his questioning has helped me to narrow down the problem statement: Extra Clarity I do not want to modify the behavior of Ctrl+C. I'm not looking for a work around. I simply want the debugger to NOT break when Ctrl+C is pressed during a debugging session. Pl...

Cannot start debugger on Visual Studio 2010 (F5) However, ' attach to process' does work (slow). How to fix?

The environment: Clean (new) install of Windows 7 64bit. Clean (new) install of Visual Studio 2010 Professional (10.0.30319.1). Windows Update is up to date. The problem: I cannot start the debugger on Visual Studio 2010 (hit F5): 'Unable to start debugging on the web server. Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web s...