



I have successfully built and deployed a jax-ws webservice on myecplise with java 5 and tomcat 5.0 but when I try to create a webservice client I'm getting a validation error on the validation screen

WS-I: A problem occurred while running the WS-I WSDL conformance check: org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.analyzer.WSIAnalyzerException. The WS-I Test Assertion Document(TAD) was not found or could not be processed. The WSDLAnalyzer was not able to validate the given WSDL file.

even if I ignore the case myecplise doesn't allow me to create the client.

Ignore screen #01

src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name
'impl:Arrayof_tns1_MatchingDoc' to a(n) 'type definition' component

Ignore screen #02

src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 
'soapenc:Array' to a(n) 'type definition component

After ignoring the 2 screens it gives me an error

undefined simple or complex type 'soapenc:Array'

and exist the wizard...