




I can't find the good old "Add existing frameworks" option. Did someone already figured out how do that?

We're talking about XCode 4 DP2 (in the context of iPhone development, as far as it matters...)

+2  A: 

I just added the existing framework folder manually into the project navigator. Worked for me.

Tom Wilke
Sorry, I can't accept this answer for now because the concept of "adding an existing framework manually" is not clear
Ariel Malka
Ok, I finally did it, as follows:1) In the "project navigator", open the "frameworks" folder and select one the existing frameworks (e.g. UIKit.framework)2) Right click and select "Show in Finder" from the menu3) From the newly opened folder in the finder, drag the framework folder you are interested in (e.g. OpenGLES.framework) into the "frameworks" folder in XCode4) Be sure not to "copy items into destination's group folder"5) Choosing "Create groups for any added folders" seems to make it
Ariel Malka
+8  A: 

In your list of files at the left, choose the top one(your project). Then select your target. Go to the tab 'Build Phases'. Open 'Link Binaries With Libraries', en press the '+' button, choose your framework and you're good to go!

For me at least, if you move the framework into any of the groups after this, it stops working.