



When I double-tap near the edge of a page that exceeds the height or width of the browser window in Safari under iOS4, it zooms in or out and/or scrolls up, down, right, or left, depending on the size of the page and the current viewport position. How can I prevent this behavior, please?

I'm working on a site where this is (very) bad; we're preserving several layers of menu state and scrolling horizontally to navigate between layers. Double-tapping hoses the layout, and there's no intuitive way to get it back.

Double-tap does not seem to fire a scroll or touch event as far as I can tell. Other things I've tried:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

... with variations:

  • user-scalable=no
  • user-scalable=0
  • width=device-width
  • width=320

You have a small typo in you meta tag, between each setting you should use comma. ex.

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"/>
Bjarne Mogstad
Fixed in example; tried in production. Didn't help.
Kent Brewster
I just made a sample document and tested on my iPhone and it worked as expected. ( Do you have a link to the page, so I can try it my self?
Bjarne Mogstad

It looks like making absolutely certain that none of my important elements--I have a static header, scrolling body, and static footer, and the header and body can both scroll sideways--actually exceed the viewport width and have overflow:hidden seems to have done the trick.

Very sad there's nothing official on this, because it's annoying, and breaks most of the other examples I've found online

Kent Brewster