



I am new to the Mac world and I'm looking for PHP development tools, right now the most important thing is the editor. Syntax highlighting and a file tree list are mandatory, of course, and code insight would be nice (of course :). I am hoping that there are free editors out there that provide these functionality and I hope someone could enlighten me. I have been searching on Google but most of the results were comparing their PHP editor with free ones or were poor editors that didn't even offer building projects and a tree list.

Could someone help me out?

+3  A: 

You should try Aptana Studio. It has a PHP plugin and a great HTML editor:

Gonzalo Quero
+5  A: 

Why not just use Eclipse with the PDT plugin, Eclipse rocks.

+5  A: 

A quick search on showed the following as a free and well reviews text editor - Text Wrangler

However if you consider looking at non free, then TextMate is superb.

I have been Loving TextWrangler. It's lightweight, yet full-featured! It highlights your text and keeps a navbar with all your open files, but there isn't much in the way of visual distraction. It also implements all of the Emacs key-bindings. I give it five stars and two thumbs up!
+3  A: 

I haven't delved too deeply into either of the following editors so I can't give you a full detailed report, but I can say that Smultron and TextWrangler are both great editors, and both free.

They both offer syntax highlighting and I am not sure how complex the tree lists are but I know that they both offer nice open document lists.

If you are really adventurous, jEdit is a very cool editor. It is written in Java so it is multi-platform. It was specificly designed as a programming editor. It has a lot of functionality out of the box, but it is also supports user created plugins (including a tree listing) which can be downloaded and installed directly from within the app.

I've tried jEdit and I must say, I was impressed, but there we some things in the interface that felt like a burden to use. +1 insightful.
+7  A: 

You should try Netbeans

Far and away my favorite IDE for PHP.
Me too. Which is pretty surprising considering they only introduced PHP support about 6 months ago.
I have been using NetBeans with the PHP support on a Windows machine and it is absolutely fantastic. I am thinking of replacing TextMate with NetBeans for all of my PHP work even on my Mac.
I've switched to Netbeans as well in mid 2009 :)
+2  A: 

Well, Komodo Edit is fantastic and it's free and it's available for the Mac.

Tim Sewell
+1  A: 

I'll second TextWrangler.

+1  A: 

First off, this is only about FREE editors, if that's what you're looking for.

I'm new to web programming but have a pretty solid background in VB and C. Learning LAMP right now and have tried out three editors in the past two weeks quite thoroughly. How thoroughly? Well, I'm unemployed and my survival is hinging upon building my company. :)

After doing my research, I decided to try TextWrangler, Smultron and Komodo Edit.

All three are good, but my favorite is Komodo Edit. However, it should be said that TextWrangler and Smultron are more editors, where Komodo is more of an IDE (interactive development environment), even though Komodo offers an additional program called Komodo IDE. If Komodo Edit is this powerful, I can't imagine what Komodo IDE does.

Basically, I like Komodo Edit because it's a FREE editor, with some IDE capabilities that are very useful. Hits that nice middle ground between editor / IDE.

Hope this helps.

Komodo Edit is also my choice, as it offers: 1) Extensions. (Written in XUL, and shares many extensions with Firefox),2) Works and feels exactly the same in Linux, Windows and MacOS, which is rare and wonderful,3) Loads slow but is damn fast comparing to Eclipse.
Yannis Rizos
+1  A: 

I'd also recommend Netbeans. Great IDE and works on most platforms.
