



I'm creating a widget for the Android platform., however I need some advice on certain aspects.

1) If I have a 3x3 widget, what is the actual dip/dp for this layout?
2) I'm creating a basic calculator layout inside the widget, how can I better layout the elements? Linear/Absolute/Relative?
3) Depending on the layout above, are there any examples showing how to better position the elements I want to draw?

Cheers :)

Oh I see the NNNxNNN refers to the dp (Y)In regards to Q3, how do I place the buttons next to each other?
James Brooks
LinearLayout has an option for orientation (android:orientation="horizontal"), all items inside the layout will be arranged horizontally (so next to each other) and if you use vertical then they will be arranged vertically. So if you want both you nest horizontal layouts inside the vertical layouts. Hope that makes sense, if not please visit the link I gave in 2. for a simple tutorial.