



What is the syntax for server side comment in razor view?

Here is the code that I want to comment:

@helper NavItem() {


If its in your view, couldn't you use the standard HTML <!-- ... //--> or the .NET style <%-- .. --%>?

Jonathan Bates
`<%-- --%>` will still output to the client btw
The contents don't, but I have found that the whitespace is still reserved in the output.
Jonathan Bates
Well, when processed by the Razor view engine it's output just like any other "html" element. So you won't see the content because it's not rendered by the browser. But it's still output in full. (based on my experience with razor and just tested it really quick)
Good to know, I will make note of it.
Jonathan Bates
I just tested this (with Preview 1), ASPX comments `<%-- --%>` _seem_ to work, even though this is the Razor engine, not the WebForms/ASPX engine. However, more testing reveals that Razor ignores anything within _any_ ASP tags `<% %>` (but conserves whitespace?). Code within standard HTML comments `<!-- -->` is still run and output, only the client will ignore its contents.
+8  A: 

Both of the following work

    This is a comment

@//This is another comment


With the new Beta of MVC 3 out the old methods of highlighting won't work.

    //This is a comment

      This is a multi
      line comment

Is the updated method @//This is a comment and @/* */ will no longer work.

Also, @/* ... */ should work.
Good point - I will make a note of it. Thanks :)
Why the vote down? Please comment as it's been updated with the changes in Razor Beta