



Scott Gu didn't talk about this in his blog post. Will there be intellisense support for razor on vs 2008? MS is giving everyone a hard time by releasing major upgrades so frequently :D

+6  A: 

No, not just Razor but MVC 3 will not be supported in VS 2008. The reason is that MVC 3 is being compiled on .NET 4.0 which is also not supported in VC 2008.

Dustin Laine
Does Razor need MVC 3? I was under the impression that it could run on MVC 2 too. Me not right?
MVC 3 and Razor only run on .NET 4
Erik Porter
Razor does not need MVC 3 but MVC 3 needs Razor.
@Praveen, you are confusing it with ASPX and Razor, you can combind both of them. But in ASP.NET MVC 3.
Filip Ekberg