




I have the following string in a file and want to truncate the string to no more than 6 char. how to do that using regular expression in perl?
the original file is:

cat shortstring.in:

<value>[email protected]</value>
<value>[email protected]</value>

I want to get file as:
cat shortstring.out


I have a code as follows, is there any more efficient way than using

Here is a part of my code:

    while (<$input_handle>) {                        # take one input line at a time
            if (/(\[email protected])/) {
                    print $output_handle "$_\n";
              } else {
              print $output_handle "$_\n";
+4  A: 
$ perl -pe 's/(<value>[^<]{1,6})[^<]*/$1/' shortstring.in

In the context of the snippet from your question, use

while (<$input_handle>) {
  s!(<value>)(.*?)(</value>)!$1 . substr($2,0,6) . $3!e
    if /(\d+\@google\.com)/;
  print $output_handle $_;

or to do it with a single pattern

while (<$input_handle>) {
   s!(<value>)(\d+\@google\.com)(</value>)!$1 . substr($2,0,6) . $3!e;
  print $output_handle $_;

Using bangs as the delimiters on the substitution operator prevents Leaning Toothpick Syndrome in </value>.

NOTE: The usual warnings about “parsing” XML with regular expressions apply.

Demo program:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use warnings;
use strict;

my $input_handle = \*DATA;
open my $output_handle, ">&=", \*STDOUT or die "$0: open: $!";

while (<$input_handle>) {
   s!(<value>)(\d+\@google\.com)(</value>)!$1 . substr($2,0,6) . $3!e;
  print $output_handle $_;

<value>[email protected]</value>
<value>[email protected]</value>
<value>[email protected]</value>


$ ./prog.pl 
Greg Bacon
I think my code is not correct, I only want to truncate the data between <value></value>
Why do you think it's not correct?
Paul Tomblin
your does not work. finally I use this: s/(<value>.{1,$truncate_num}).*(<.*)/$1$2/;
@gbacon thanks for the updated s!!!e sytnax. Someone else had posted then deleted that, but it didn't include the "<value>" tags. Had never used s!!!e before and was curious on how that would have looked if done correctly.
David Blevins
@David Perl is flexible about the delimiters on the `s///` operator. Using bangs meant I didn't have to escape the slash in `</value>`.
Greg Bacon
@lilili08 See updated answer for a working program that includes the code I suggested. What's the output you're seeing?
Greg Bacon
@gbacon The various separator parts I knew, the 'e' flag is the gem I've wanted several times and did not known how to do. Loving stackoverflow.
David Blevins
+1  A: 

Looks like you want to truncate the text inside the tag which could be shorter than 6 characters already, in which case:

David Blevins
Paul Tomblin
With the . in (.{1,6}) you could get stuff like '123</v'
David Blevins
@David, no, because he's already tested to make sure the tag has `@google.com`, so it can't be smaller than that. If you want to more careful, you could test for the closing tag, but since parsing xml or html in a regex is a REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA anyway, I don't want to give him any ideas.
Paul Tomblin
+8  A: 

Use this instead (regex is not the only feature of Perl and it's overkill for this: :-)

$str = substr($str, 0, 6);


+1  A: 

Try this:

s|(?<=<value>)(.*?)(?=</value>)|substr $1,0,6|e;
eugene y