



I am starting MVC2 by going through a few tutorials, but they are all too basic when trying to apply this to my real world problem.

I have been following a tutorial based on a simple one table database. I build the data model using ADO.NET Entity Data Model and select to generate the model from database. Then I make a controller for the table, all I do in the controller is list the items, i.e.

private sampleDatabaseDBEntities _dataModel = new sampleDatabaseDBEntities();

public ActionResult Index()
     return View(_dataModel.TheOnlyTable.ToList());

So I am trying to figure out how to start, when the schema is more complex.

Say I have a FruitShop and have a table like Vegetables that references values from another table (Color for example).

Obviously the auto generated code will not work:


because I need to lookups based on the value in SampleForeignKeyFieldID to another table (Colors from Vegetables table for example)

Infact for this table, I tried just doing the return View(_dataModel.Table.ToList()); but nothing displayed at all. I guess because most fields are referenced elsewhere.

How do I get started building the views for these cases? Is there any tutorial/guide you know of that would help get me started?


+3  A: 

Best place to learn:

Views and ViewModels -

Try to follow this music store app.

There's Nerd Dinner too:

Free ASP.NET MVC “NerdDinner” Tutorial Now in HTML

Leniel Macaferi
I hope these examples all look at linking with a database bigger than one table ? I've already found plenty of examples for that and it's not helping.
Yes... the pages linked above have what you want.
Leniel Macaferi
I agree with the ViewModels suggestion from Leniel. I would HIGHLY recommend using AutoMapper ( to make the mapping from your Models to your ViewModels.
Jeff T