I want make the control height as double when the mouse is over that control and control height should become normal when the mouse leaves the control.
Consider, I am using the following style to make the button height as double when the mouse is over a button.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Buttons}">
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="RenderTransform">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="2" />
<Setter Property="RenderTransformOrigin" Value="0.5,0.5"/>
<Setter Property="Panel.ZIndex" Value="99999"/>
If the button is placed near to the window/tab control boundary then button goes inside the Tab control/window bounds when it expands. (when mouse is over the button)
I don't want the button to go inside the Tab Control/Window bounds.
Instead the button should move inside the window (RenderTransformOrigin must be changed) when the button touches the Tab Control/Window bounds.
I have attached my Sample Application for your reference here.