



I have a jQuery event handler that essentially looks like this:

$("textarea").live("focus, click", function() {
  var o = $(this),
      expand_height = "60px";
  o.animate({height : expand_height});

As you can see, onfocus or onclick it is supposed to animate the expansion of the textarea from it's initial height (20px) to it's expanded height (60px). There are a couple other things it does in reality (like clearing the default value), but this is the only part giving me trouble.

In Firefox/IE, the textarea retains focus while the height animates and the user can begin typing immediately upon clicking the textarea. In Chrome/Safari, the textarea loses focus so the user is unable to type in the box. If you add a callback when the animation completes to focus on the box, it doesn't work. If you add a select().focus() as in the following example, it does work:

$("textarea").live("focus, click", function() {
  var o = $(this),
      expand_height = "60px";
  o.animate({height : expand_height}, function() {;

Unfortunately, when the user clicks and starts typing, the first few chars can be lost because they have to wait for the animation to complete.

Is this a bug with webkit? How can I let the animation run AND make it responsive to the user's typing right away? Thanks in advance.


This is probably a (known) webkit bug. Apparently the firing of the onmouseup event deselects the text. This problem, and a solution involving preventDefault(), are discussed in this SO answer.

Ken Redler
Thanks for the quick response. I actually saw this question and tried the solution prior to asking here. I added $("textarea").live("mouseup", function(e) { e.preventDefault() }); and this does not work in this instance.