



I am learning spring-mvc and I am doing a simple crud.

I have a list of items with a big add button on top of it. When the user clicks add it will redirect to /item/add where the view is a form.

Now, when the user loads a new item I want to show a msg in the list saying something like:

"Item added successfully"

I noticed that I can do something like:

If ( noErrors ) {
 model.addAttribute("Item added successfully");
 return new ModelAndView("redirect:/item", model);

But I didn't manage to get it working.

Any idea?

+3  A: 

When you use model.addAttribute(myObject), by convention you create a reference in the model to myObject keyed by a String derived from the name of the class of myObject.

For example, if I add an instance of the MyUser class: model.addattribute(myUserInstance), then I will be able to access that object on the model by the key "myUser".

Things get tricky when your object is a String, because there's no obvious class to use to generate the key in the model.

Try instead specifying your own key: model.addAttribute("statusMessage", "item added successfully"). Then in your view, you simply access the object by looking for statusMessage on the model: <c:out value="${statusMessage}" />

James Earl Douglas