



What are some of the rules of thumb and things to avoid when for creating a website's design? For instance, an obvious one is to not have sound play automatically on a website.

My point in asking this is that we have a newer web developer/designer and I am wanting to give him a general list of "do-nots" when creating a website.


I've heard a lot of marketing people demand that everything be "above the fold" and prefer multiple pages of clicking over a little scrolling. I would suggest that their information is a little dated and with the advent of scroll wheels users don't mind scrolling nearly as much as clicking through page after page.

The length of the page does need to be reasonable. Also, a blog like coding horror can be several pages long - it is meant for reading. But many sites like do win when they present simple choices in life.
Hamish Grubijan
+1  A: 

Here's a huge list:

I was going to say no horizontal scrolling or garish colour schemes. They're probably in there

And the funny thing is, one of his points is

Avoid long pages:

while that page itself is so huge i can barely aim my mouse on the scroll-bar

  1. If you are requesting user input it's always a good idea to check it both client side and server side
  2. Avoid a lot of images. It will slow the loading of your page.
  3. Make sure you test in multiple browsers.

There are a lot of others, and I am sure you will get a lot of feedback on this question.

+1  A: 
  • Using tables for layout (unless the data truly is tabular)
  • Avoid overcomplicating the layout and colour scheme (nobody likes to see a technicolour dreamcoat site)
  • Avoid bastardizing the HTML structure for the sake of aesthetics
Russ Cam