



After finding the Hyde static website generator, I got to wondering,

Is there a similar tool written in PHP?


The one that I know of is PHPMaker but i am not sure if that is exactly what you are looking for but it is basically for dynamic sites rather than static ones; here is what it has to say:

PHPMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP quickly from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server databases. Using PHPMaker, you can instantly create web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the web. PHPMaker is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate PHP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. The PHP scripts can be run on Windows servers (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Access/MSSQL) or Linux/Unix servers (MySQL/PostgreSQL). PHPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced develpers alike.


Based on your comment, I think you might be interested in:

The Middleman

A static site generator utilizing Haml, Sass and providing YUI compression and cache busting


Yeah, not quite what I'm looking for. What hyde does is take a bunch of templated files (with Django templates and markdown for HTML, LESS or similar for CSS), process them, and put the transformed files in a new directory to be used as a static HTML/CSS/JS website.
Austin Hyde
@Austin Hyde: See my updated answer please.
@Sarfraz: Closer, but I was looking for a PHP version. I don't actually *need* it for anything, but I'm very interested in what a PHP version might look like. Hyde is a Python port (ish) of Jekyll, also a Ruby website generator.
Austin Hyde