



I am trying to get the controller and action name based on a path. I have a route:

map.resources :permissions

I thought that I could use:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path "/permissions/1"

To get a hash like:

{ :controller => "permissions", :action => "show" }

The actual hash that comes back is:

{ :controller => "permissions", :action => "1" }

How do I get the correct action name instead of just my passed in ID? The dispatcher must be able to get at it somehow or Rails wouldn't work, but I am having trouble locating how it is accomplished.


What are you really after? If you're really after the action name and controller name... you can just ask for




Does that help, or do you really need to parse a string to do it?

I have route-based authorization in place. Basically, in my database I plug in controllers and actions that I only want accessible to certain users and treat them as permissions. I bundle these permissions into roles and assign them to my users. When a protected page is visited, a before filter will determine if the user is allowed to be on that page. That is working great (by using the methods you suggested). Now I need to dynamically display a link based on whether or not the user is allowed to visit the page behind the link. I don't have access to the target controller, only the path.

This is what I ended up doing. It is ugly and there must be a better way, but it works for now. It happens in a before_filter so that I can see if the user has access to the controller / action they are attempting to access.

I chose to use route-based authorization as opposed to model-based authorization.

# Get method of current request
method = options[:method] ? options[:method] : 'get'

# Create a new request - hate this that is required
env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(url, {:method => method})
request =

# For some reason, calling this fills in the controller / action information for the request
# just using recognize_path doesn't work correctly with resources...

Then you access the controller and action with request.params[:controller] and request.params[:action].

All of this would not be necessary if ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path("/permissions/1") returned the correct action.
