



I want to be able to go a specific webpage like: then goto: "javascript:playsong();" then click on a button and after a specific amount of time do it again.

If you also know how to make a javascript code be run on a page with a firefox plugiin or something that would help too.



This doesn't include automatic recording, but I think you can do what you need with Greasemonkey. It allows you to write custom scripts that run every time you visit a particular page. For the button, you can use the click method, or just do whatever the button does in your own script. For the time aspect, use setTimeout or setInterval.

Matthew Flaschen

Selenium is designed to do this, as is Windmill, FITnesse, WebDriver and Watin.

Robert Harvey
+1  A: 

I use iMacros a firefox plugin, which you mentioned is something you're looking for as an option, you can record what you want and then play it in a loop, you can make clicks be base on DOM element, ids and etc or base on mouse X, Y position, you can ignore errors and alot of cool features. just search for iMacros on the firefox addons or go here:

here is their site where you can find other versions like google chrome plugin and ...
