




I am interested in joining my high school's robotics team. However, I'd like to know what programming language they are programmed in.

I am a programmer who develops iPhone and Mac applications as well as command line tools (all c-oriented), if that helps give a little background information.


+1  A: 

Robotics can be driven by almost any language.

I've written hardware controllers in Java, but my father would tell you C or assembly or go home. (To be fair, he's just stubborn...)

If you're interested, go to their meetings, man. They'll show you how you can help, and let's face it - if you're on StackOverflow, you'll fit right in :-D

Go glowcoder Sr !

There is always this to help you find out ABOUT robotics. I dont think we can guess what they use at your school. Maybe they have a website?


Ask the teacher or leader of the robotics club what programming languages they use for their projects. I'm sure the teacher will be more than happy to sit down with you to discuss the particular languages and programming environments they use for their projects. It will do you a world of good to get out of the house, and rub shoulders with other people interested in like minded technologies. You will grow a lot in your own knowledge and perhaps may help others. My recommendation is, no matter what language they use, dive in with no questions asked and have a great time.

C Johnson