
Best direction for a grade 12 student planning on going into Computer Sciences?

So, I have just started grade 12, and after I graduate I plan on going to University and major in Computer Sciences, and eventually make a career out of it. I am looking for advice on what direction I should be heading to make the most out of things. :] Currently, I know some PHP, Java, and C++. Nothing too advanced for any of these, bu...

What would you tell high school students who are interested in careers in software development/engineering?

I've been asked to a local high school to talk about careers in software development/engineering. I have roughly an hour of time to fill and will probably have 30-40 students in a class room. How would one go about 'selling' a career in what we do to kids in high school? From what I have been told my audience is going to be half kids ...

Basic programming/algorithmic concepts

I'm about to start (with fellow programmers) a programming & algorithms club in my high school. The language of choice is C++ - sorry about that, I can't change this. We can assume students have little to no experience in the aforementioned topics. What do you think are the most basic concepts I should focus on? I know that teaching so...

Are there jobs for high school programmers?

I'm an 18 year old programmer, rounding off my senior year in high school and about to enter college. I have a decent amount of experience in a variety of languages, the most prevalent being C# and Python in the desktop programming space, and PHP with MySQL in web development. Currently I have an internship at a small company working on...

Learning how to do programming in school and learning programming outside of school

Hope this thread won't be closed as fast as the other one, because I'm interested about your opinions about what school contribute when it comes to learn programming. I plan to do a thesis in that area of programming in school-context, and would appreciate your opinions. Please tell me your experience of learning programming in school c...

Objective C for beginners

I was just asked to talk about Objective C to a bunch of High School student for 20 minutes. They have no experience with programming at all. What topics should I cover? Should I define vocab such as Method, Class, Variable? Or should I do something else? Any comments are helpful! ...

What advice would you give a high-schooler interested in tech?

(This was originally sent to a group of people I have worked with and trust and it was suggested that I post this here. I've been a software developer, architect, manager, vp, tester, trainer, tech writer, etc., and my presentation is primarily about Android & other mobile application development.) Next week I'm going to be giving a pr...

Language+IDE for teaching high school students?

I'm investigating languages and IDEs for a project involving teaching high-school students (around grade 11). It will teach basics of programming as an introduction to computer science (e.g., including how numbers/strings/characters are represented, using procedures and arrays, control flow, a little bit of algorithms, only very basic I/...

A problem with connected points and determining geometry figures based on points' location analysis

In school we have a really hard problem, and still no one from the students has solved it yet. Take a look at the picture below: http://d.imagehost.org/0422/mreza.gif That's a kind of a network of connected points, which doesn't end and each point has its own number representing it. Let say the numbers are like this: 1-23-456-78910-et...

Getting the jack-of-all-trades degree

Not literally of course. I'm an upcoming senior in high school and I've spent my years since 8th grade designing & developing websites, administrating forums, setting up LAMP stacks, working on a few open source projects, and the daily debugging. I feel like I've touched on many different aspects of technological industry—inclined toward...

High school robotics club...

Hi, I am interested in joining my high school's robotics team. However, I'd like to know what programming language they are programmed in. I am a programmer who develops iPhone and Mac applications as well as command line tools (all c-oriented), if that helps give a little background information. Thanks! ...