I would like to ramp on extension development by modifying an existing extension. I have zero experience with JavaScript, but i do have experience with C, C++, Java and Python. I chose the Regular Expression Search extension by bizsimon. Here is the JavaScript code of the content script which i am trying to understand.
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { sendResponse(chrome_regex_search(request.exp)); });
function chrome_regex_search(exp) {
var tw=document.createTreeWalker(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
while (node = tw.nextNode()) {
node.parentNode.innerHTML=node.parentNode.innerHTML.replace(/<font class="chrome_search_highlight"[^>]*>(.+)<\/font>/igm, '$1');
try {
var pattern=eval("/(>[^<]*)("+exp+")([^<]*<)/igm");
var tw=document.createTreeWalker(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
while(node=tw.nextNode()) {
node.parentNode.innerHTML=node.parentNode.innerHTML.replace(pattern, '$1<font class="chrome_search_highlight" style="background: yellow">$2</font>$3');
return {"count": document.getElementsByClassName("chrome_search_highlight").length};
} catch(e) {
return {"count": 0};
And here are my questions:
What does this code do?
node.parentNode.innerHTML=node.parentNode.innerHTML.replace(/]*>(.+)<\/font>/igm, '$1');
- I would like to add navigation buttons which enable the user to move from one search result to another. What changes are required in the script? I assume that now i will need to save some state which remembers which search result is currently being visited. How do i make the browser jump from one search result to another?
- Any useful comments which would help understand the code or even a code walkthru would be very much appreciated.