Hello, This is my Listview XAML code:
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" Margin="0" Grid.Row="1" >
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding OperatorId}" x:Name="operatorIdColumn"/>
Header="OperatorValue" x:Name="operatorValueColumn"
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Row.OperatorRow.Value}" />
How can I make the operatorValueColumn update itself when operatorIdColumn's value changes?. In other words how can I do that when OperatorId changes? INotifyPropertyChanged has been implemented in the object ListView is bound to.
Edit: The List view is bound to a TypedDataSet's DataTable. The "Row.OperatorRow.Value" basically hooks to the parent table (Operators) to get the actual value. When I try changing the OperatorId, operatorIdColumn updates displaying the new Id but operatorValueColumn does not update itself to the new operator value.
If I can force a binding update on operatorValueColumn based on operatorId change, I will get the new value. This might be a hack, still I want to know how to do this if possible.
This is for a Test Usercontrol which will be used to cross check local datastructure values quickly. So patterns aren't important.