



Is it possible to send variables in the the transition? i.e.

@car.crash!(:crashed_by => current_user)

I have callbacks in my model but I need to send them the user who instigated the transition

after_crash do |car, transition|
  # Log the car crashers name

I can't access current_user because I'm in the Model and not the Controller/View.

And before you say it... I know I know.

Don't try to access session variables in the model

I get it.

However, whenever you wish to create a callback that logs or audits something then it's quite likely you're going to want to know who caused it? Ordinarily I'd have something in my controller that did something like...


and my Foo model would be expecting some user to instigate some_method but how do I do this with a transition with the StateMachine gem?

+2  A: 

I don't think you can pass params to events with that gem, so maybe you could try storing the current_user on @car (temporarily) so that your audit callback can access it.

In controller

@car.driver = current_user

In callback

after_crash do |car, transition|
   create_audit_log car.driver, transition

Or something along those lines.. :)

Thanks Keeran. This is basically what I ended up doing in the end. As the attribute has no permanence - any thoughts on how you could do this without creating a new field in the DB?
Kevin Monk
You could try adding an attr_accessor for :driver, but I'm not sure if the callback will reload / use a 'fresh' instance of the model (and so wipe the temp var).