



I'm needing to foray into EF4 for the first time since experiencing the disappointment that was v1. Since then I've been a happy nHibernate user but I'm needing to pick EF back up now for a new project due to client preference.

Has anyone created a quick guide of analogies between ORM concepts for the two? If I had a translation of nHibernate concepts to EF4 concepts it would give me a running start.

For instance, is there an analog to HQL (that's worth using) what about a Criteria query, a class mapping, a sql custom dialect, enlisting items in a transaction, executing a stored procedure, etc?

Any insights would be much appreciated,

+1  A: 

You may be interested in the Code-first approach, coming from NH. Ayende did a pretty quick look at it that may offer you some value.

Corey Coogan
that is a nice tidbit, thanks
+1 for the help
+2  A: 

Since no one has jumped on this one I went out and started reading from misc sources on the web to piece together what EF4 seems to be. I'll paste my sources here if anyone in the future needs to do this sort of investigation.

Here's a rant on NH vs. EF that is verbose but discusses some interesting topics.

Microsoft's own documentation on EF is here and was somewhat helpful although completely ignored the POCO mapping and fluent mappings that seem to be more NH-like.

There is a new addition to EF pending that seems to mimic fluent NH mappings. Here's a good, simple article/overview of that feature and here's a link to the latest Microsoft CTP code-first site.

Entity SQL is the equivalent to HQL.

Stored procedure mapping and execution is called "function mapping" and is very similar to how Linq to SQL did it, except that now there is reportedly much less possibility of being stuck with an unknown result type since you can be explicit about returning nothing, a scalar, a complex type or an entity. Here's an extra link on sp mapping for EF4.

There seems to be multiple ways to map your model. Using an EDMX designer is the completely automated way and seems excellent for smaller projects where absolute control of the mappings is overkill.

There are several ways to query, the most developer friendly seems to be LINQ to Entities and is of course like LINQ to NH.

Here's another POCO mapping example.

Overall the current state of EF feels more like LINQ to SQL than NHibernate, but considering how easy L2S is to use and Microsoft's ongoing investment in EF this seems like a good place to start.

Finally, since I am a developer I couldn't resist taking it for a test drive. Here's my tip of the iceberg exploration. SQL Profiler confirmed that eager/lazy loading works as advertised and that the update only updates changed fields.

 using (MsgEntities ctx = new MsgEntities()) {
    return (from m in ctx.Messages
            where m.SentAt.Month == 11
            select m).ToList();

Message msg = null;
MsgEntities ctx = new MsgEntities();
msg = ctx.Messages // .Include("MessageAttachments.Attachment") -uncomment for eager loading
.Where(m => m.PK_Message == PK_Message).SingleOrDefault();

// ADD
using (MsgEntities ctx = new MsgEntities()) {
   ctx.Messages.AddObject(new Message() {
      Dsc = "added message @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss"),
      OriginalRecipientDsc = "Tahbaza",
      Sender = "Tahbaza",
      SentAt = new DateTime(2008, 11, 15),
      Subject = "Nothing special"

Message m = GetOneMessage(3);
using (MsgEntities ctx = new MsgEntities()) {
   m.Subject = "message UPDATED @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss");

Message m = GetOneMessage(3);
using (MsgEntities ctx = new MsgEntities()) {

I hope this helps someone where I was 2 days ago.
