




I have bees struggling with XCode 3. And decided to jump directly to XCode 4.

Though a big problem is that there is very little support like articles, videos, and projects I can use as templates.

Does there exist support like this at all? Can I use XCode 3 projects as templates? Would i be easy to work from XCode 3 tutorials?

I gave now been using it for one day. Some things in the interface designer is quite different. For examlple I can't get to subviews in the tabbar control (But mostly I manage, and can follow examples) Thanks


I am not sure what kind of documentation they give you with Xcode 4, however there should be something in the help menu I imagine. WWDC also had a video on Xcode 4, it was their "State of Union" address. Here is a link to the iTunes videos.

Lucas Derraugh
I think perhaps the main problem is the NDA. I still find it confusing, so I stick to 3.2.* and go to 4 if I am stuck debugging.
+1  A: 

I'm doing the same thing. Xcode 4 is in pre-release, so there's not much in the way of tutorials while the tools are in a semi-NDA limbo and could be changed significantly before final release.

I highly recommend reading tutorials (I'm working my way through Aaron Hillegass' books on iPhone and OSX development) that use Xcode 3, and allowing extra time for learning where to map across to the new version.

Xcode 4 is much better organised, so it can be annoying but not impossible to find what you are looking for fairly quickly.

Resources you should go to first: WWDC10 sessions 307, 308 and 315: Introducing Xcode 4, Developing your app with Xcode 4, and Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4.

Access these through the developer portal. They are the definitive Apple guide to the new design and workflow.

In the Xcode 4 Help menu, the Xcode 4 Transition guide is the second choice. I skimmed it, then kept coming back to dive into topics when they came up.
