
try eclipse. most awesome editor anyone has ever known. and i think editing via ftp is also possible.

can you just do a ping -t onto your ftp server? it will keep the connection alive.

ah and winscp actually can do this too. you just have to define your own editor to use.

+3  A: 

Geany does everything but the remote connection, but that's what GVFS is for.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Or, if you prefer a KDE application: Kate using KIO.
I've done some reading, and GVFS is used when we use the 'connect to server' menu link from the places bar in Ubuntu.. yes?
That is correct. Connections made that way also show up under `~/.gvfs`.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
I've tried the "Connect to server" method. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep alive the connection. Everytime I save, it reconnects, saves, and disconnects.For fast internet connections, this would be just fine (I've used this method before), but for slower connections, connecting upon every save wastes almost 8-10 seconds.

You can use vim to do that.

It has syntax highlighting for any language I know and you can set it up to auto-complete your parentheses. You can edit files via ftp, and even use vim as an ftp navigator. The first google hit, tells you how.


GVim/Vim supports ftp & ssh/scp (read here and here)

Emacs is seemed to support them also (read here)

General format is: protocol:user@host#port:dir/file

+2  A: 

You can achieve remote editing with any editor when using some Fuse based FTP-filesystem.

For example: http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/

curlftpfs -o user=username:password ftp.example.com /my/mount/point

More preferably you should use SSH and SSHFS if possible. http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html

For the editor I would recommend Geany or even Eclipse.

You should also checkout JetBrains' PHPStrom http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/

hi there. Am trying out the curlftpfs. I've compiled the programe, but I can't seem to get the syntax right...The ftp server I am trying to connect to is darkbrownandyellow.netwhen i type "curlftpfs darkbrownandyellow.net ./dby" it gives an ftp permission denied error (exact message: Error connecting to ftp: Access denied: 530)- which is understandable as it hasnt asked me my password yet!I tried running 'curlftpfs -h' to see the options but i have no idea where I can put in the password. There is no help on the sourceforge page.
@Vik username and password is an option for the -o switch. I added an example to my answer.
I tried Curlftpfs. It did the trick, but over slower connections, I found SSHFS to be the most stable.Text editor that I have fallen in love with is Geany.I mounted the sftp folder using sshfs. And edited the files as normal. Very very stable.
According to the following page on the Ubuntu forums (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS):Your ssh session will automatically log out if it is idle. To keep the connection active (alive) add this to ~/.ssh/config or to /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the client.ServerAliveInterval 5This will send a "keep alive" signal to the server every 5 seconds. You can usually increase this interval, and I use 120.

Try PilotEdit Lite. www.pilotedit.com

Its Windows only. I need something GTK based or at least Linux based
+1  A: 

I think gedit fulfill most of your requirement. I do use gedit on my ubuntu machine.I first mount the drive from remote machine to my local machine and then use gedit to work with files.I never seen a problem of connection.

Anil Vishnoi