



I've got the following tables:

  • magazine_tags
  • news_tags
  • page_tags
  • content_tags
  • faq_tags

They all have exactly the same structure:

uid_local - id of the entity
uid_foreign - id of the tag

Each one of them maps to a Model in PHP.

I need to get related content based on multiple tags. Say I'm viewing an "faq" tagged with 1 and 4, I need to get all items tagged with either 1 or 4, but those tagged with both should be at the top.

I also need to be able to distinguish between the different entities, so I can load them up using their corresponding model in PHP after I run the query.

How would I go about building this query?


+1  A: 

I can't test it because I'm mobile but the following should do the trick:

SELECT uid_local, uid_foreign, count(*) as frequency FROM faq_tags WHERE uid_foreign IN (1,4) GROUP BY uid_local ORDER BY frequency DESC

Bogdan Constantinescu
That actually worked fine, but is there any way to expand it so it runs on multiple tables at once?
Andrei Serdeliuc
You could try joining them or union select.PS: [ro] cand mai treci prin Bucuresti sa iesim la o bere :) [/ro]
Bogdan Constantinescu
I ended up with a combination of union and concat: `CONCAT('Model_Class_', uid_local) as uid_local` and then in PHP I'll strip off the model class when processing the result. Thanks!
Andrei Serdeliuc