



I am using jqgrid, it is currently working fine in FF, IE8, Chrome, Safari. But in IE7 I get this error:

'this.rows.0.cells' is null or not an object


Code: 0

Line: 122 Char: 278

Has anyone come accross this before? Is there a known fix?


Here is my PHP code:

$qry = 'SELECT stock_num, shape, carat, clarity, color, cut 
        FROM rapnet_diamonds 
        WHERE (carat BETWEEN "0" AND "5") 
        AND (color BETWEEN "D" AND "Z") 
        AND ( CASE clarity 
            WHEN "FL" THEN 0 
            WHEN "IF" THEN 1 
            WHEN "VVS1" THEN 2 
            WHEN "VVS2" THEN 3 
            WHEN "VS1" THEN 4 
            WHEN "VS2" THEN 5 
            WHEN "SI1" THEN 6 
            WHEN "SI2" THEN 7 
            WHEN "I1" THEN 8 
            WHEN "I2" THEN 9 
            WHEN "I3" THEN 10 
            ELSE -1 END BETWEEN "0" AND "10") 
        AND ( CASE cut 
            WHEN "ideal" THEN 0 
            WHEN "excellent" THEN 1 
            WHEN "very good" THEN 2
            WHEN "good" THEN 3 
            WHEN "fair" THEN 4 
            WHEN "poor" THEN 5 
            ELSE -1 END BETWEEN "0" AND "5")';

$grid->SelectCommand = $qry;
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model

// Set grid caption using the option caption
    "caption"=>"Diamonds Found",
    "colNames"=> array('ID', 'Shape', 'Carat', 'Clarity', 'Color', 'Cut')
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("diamond_id", array("label"=>"ID", "width"=>60));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid','#pager',true, null, null, true,true);
$conn = null;

Here is what gets generated:

<table id='grid'></table>
    <div id='pager'></div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery('#grid').jqGrid({"width":"650","hoverrows":true,"viewrecords":true,"jsonReader":{"repeatitems":false,"subgrid":{"repeatitems":false}},"xmlReader":{"repeatitems":false,"subgrid":{"repeatitems":false}},"gridview":true,"url":"myfirstgrid.php?yellow=","editurl":"myfirstgrid.php?yellow=","cellurl":"myfirstgrid.php?yellow=","onSelectRow":function(rowid, selected) 
        if(rowid != null) { 
           // alert("selected: "+rowid);
    } ,"gridComplete":function() 
    } ,"caption":"Diamonds Found","rowNum":200,"sortname":"diamond_id","sortable":0,"scroll":1,"height":300,"altRows":true,"colNames":["ID","Shape","Carat","Clarity","Color","Cut"],"datatype":"json","colModel":[{"name":"stock_num","index":"stock_num","editable":true,"sorttype":"string","key":true},{"name":"shape","index":"shape","editable":true,"sorttype":"string"},{"name":"carat","index":"carat","editable":true,"sorttype":"numeric"},{"name":"clarity","index":"clarity","editable":true,"sorttype":"string"},{"name":"color","index":"color","editable":true,"sorttype":"string"},{"name":"cut","index":"cut","editable":true,"sorttype":"string"}],"postData":{"oper":"grid"},"prmNames":{"page":"page","rows":"rows","sort":"sidx","order":"sord","search":"_search","nd":"nd","id":false,"filter":"filters","searchField":"searchField","searchOper":"searchOper","searchString":"searchString","oper":"oper","query":"grid","addoper":"add","editoper":"edit","deloper":"del","excel":"excel","subgrid":"subgrid","totalrows":"totalrows"},"pager":"#pager"}); });

I am using jqgrid version 3.8

+1  A: 

Hi John!

After you post the link with your test solution I could examine a little the problem myself. I could see that the main page load data from the URL The full get request looks like;oper=grid&amp;_search=false&amp;nd=1283196859096&amp;rows=200&amp;page=1&amp;sidx=diamond_id&amp;sord=asc. I could also see with respect of Fiddler that the data which will be send back from the server are not correct JSON data. It seems to me that it is your main problem. The data looks like following


The part {"records":"136635","page":1,"total":684,"rows":[{...}]} are correct JSON data which jqGrid need. I tested with and can see the same problem, but another page which are more close to me has not the problem!

I recommend you to test demo pages and on the same computer where you have IE7 problem which you described.

I am only a user of jqGrid and not a developer of jqGrid, so if you found a some problem in jqGrid PHP version post it to I personally bought some time ago ASP.NET MVC Subscription with the full source code to support Developers of jqGrid (but use till now only free version of jqGrid) so I have only access to ASP.NET MVC code and not to PHP version. So if your problem exist in the PHP version you have to post to the forum on

Ah ha! After contacting them, it was a known issue that they fixed. They said all I need to do is download the newer version. Thanks for your help!
John Isaacks