




I am trying to figure out the way to edit a row of table by button with jquery and jeditable. My aim is to have a "edit" button which will change desired row cells to edit mode.

As per now I have:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#addrowbutton").click(function() {
    $("#canceladd").click(function() {
    $("#saveadd").click(function() {
        $("#message").text("Added").fadeOut(4000, function() {
    $("#add_trade_form").submit(function() {
        return false;
    function process_details() { 
        return false;
    $(".editlink").click(function() {
        var datapos = $(this).parent().parent().prevAll().length;
        var editpos = datapos + 1;

        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + datapos + ")").hide();
        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + editpos + ")").show();

    $(".cancellink").click(function() {
        var editpos = $(this).parent().parent().prevAll().length;
        var datapos = editpos - 1;

        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + datapos + ")").show();
        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + editpos + ")").hide();
    $(".savelink").click(function() { 
        var editpos = $(this).parent().parent().prevAll().length;
        var datapos = editpos - 1;

        $("#message").text("Saved...").fadeOut(4000, function() {
        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + datapos + ")").show();
        $("#trades_table tbody tr:eq(" + editpos + ")").hide();



  • adding row appears and hides with a button

  • edit row display and cancel as it should with values I want

Where I am lost now:

  • how to take the new values from the inputs and pass them to the controller (multiple id, values) ... I use MVC. <= .savelink

  • how to save the new row without refreshing the page but refresh the table with the new values <= #saveadd

Many thanks in advance for all the help.




I would highly recommend using jqGrid

Look at the demo examples and the editing examples.

They also have a plugin for .NET

Moin Zaman
Wow, that is exactly what I am looking for. Many thanks for the tip, the plugin is amazing!!
Jacek Dominiak