



I am using entity framework with a web service and I have entity partial class objects that were generated automatically by the web service.

I would like to extend these classes, but I would like to group them in the generated class in a way similar to the way a namespace would (except inside a class).

Here is my generated class:

public partial class Employee : Entity
   public int ID { get; set; }
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

And I want to add some new properties, functions, etc similar to:

public partial class Employee : Entity
   public string FullName {
      get { return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName; }

However, I would like to group any additional properties together so I have a little more visible separation from the generated methods. I would like to be able to call something like:


I could create another class within the partial class called CustomMethods and pass a reference to the base class so I can access the generated properties. Or maybe just name them a particular way. But, I am not sure what is the best solution. I am looking for community ideas that are clean and fall under good practice. Thanks.

+2  A: 
public class CustomMethods
    Employee _employee;
    public CustomMethods(Employee employee)
        _employee = employee;

    public string FullName 
            return string.Format("{0} {1}", 
                _employee.FirstName, _employee.LastName); 

public partial class Employee : Entity
    CustomMethods _customMethods;
    public CustomMethods CustomMethods
            if (_customMethods == null)
                _customMethods = new CustomMethods(this);
            return _customMethods;

typically I would put Properties like FullName right on the Partial class but I can see why you might want separation.

I think that's what you were saying toward the end of your question. I guess this answer isn't terrible and gets the separation you're looking for.
+6  A: 

Here is another solution using explicit interfaces:

public interface ICustomMethods {
    string FullName {get;}

public partial class Employee: Entity, ICustomMethods {
    public ICustomMethods CustomMethods {
       get {return (ICustomMethods)this;}
    //explicitly implemented
    string ICustomMethods.FullName {
       get { return this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName; }


string fullName;
fullName = employee.FullName; //Compiler error    
fullName = employee.CustomMethods.FullName; //OK
Igor Zevaka
+1 using explicit interfaces makes code more readable with good extensibility.
Danny Chen
+1 for the explicit interfaces
is it possible to force that interface to be explicit?
The interface is explicitly implemented when you have default accessibility and prepend the interface name to the property/method name. The "explicitness" is in the implementation, not in the interface itself.
Igor Zevaka
Thanks. I like this method.