



I'm checking IE 6 issues of a xhtml css page on locally using VPC image of Microsoft Virtual PC.

IE6 showing a JavaScript error. In VPC image i doesn't have MS Visual Studio installed.

alt text

Web-page has many JavaScript. How to know from Which script and where in script this error is coming?. I can know on My PC with the help of Visual Studio debug function. but not on VPC image.

Where will be this Line 22 ?

Note: Error is only coming in IE.


First thing would be to install IE Dev Toolbar, I'm pretty sure the IE6 version is still around. That allows for step-through and debugging of scripts as well.

I have installed Developer toolbar. How to reach at source of error

The old built-in IE debugger is all but useless. Install Visual Studio Express on the virtual machine.

David Dorward
Is there any other way :) ?
Other debuggers exist, I've never found them to be as good as VS (when it comes to IE specific JS issues)
David Dorward

The Microsoft Script Debugger is OK if you don't want to go all out and install a Visual Studio variant on the computer.

Also, try the site under Firefox or another browser. Chances are that the other browsers are also getting the JavaScript error but are letting it slide. In Firefox, take a look at the JavaScript console to make sure you're not missing anything.

Thanks i installed Microsoft Script Debugger and it's working as i want. I just searched on google for this and found and followed this article to install