def mock_category(stubs={})
@mock_category ||= mock_model(Category, stubs).as_null_object
describe "GET show" do
it "assigns the requested category as @category" do
Category.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_category }
get :show, :id => "37"
assigns(:category).should be(mock_category)
Which returns :
1) CategoriesController GET show assigns the requested category as @category
Failure/Error: assigns(:category).should be(mock_category)
expected Category_1002, got nil
I'm confused here, because this is a right out of the box controller that rspec set up. Why could this be failing?
My versions:
Rails 3.0.0.beta4
Ruby 1.8.7
RSpec 2.0.0.beta.10
Also tried this, same exact reproducible error with :
Rails 3.0.0
Ruby 1.8.7
RSpec 2.0.0.beta.20
The command I used to generate the specs were rails g scaffold Category
In my application.rb
config.generators do |g|
g.template_engine :haml
g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture => true, :views => false
This goes for any scaffolded controller by Rails 3, with RSpec2. Its guarenteed to fail. Anyone know how this is supposed to be written?