




Can someone tell my when to use Overlay or when to use ItemizedOverlay class!

What are differences between this two classes?

Draw methods do the same thing?

Can I use only ItemizedOverlay class in my project or I must use and Overlay as base class!


+2  A: 

Overlay is a general overlay. ItemizedOverlay is a subclass that makes it easier to create an overlay that is a discrete series of marked points on the map. So, if you are trying to show a bus route, or shade a region, or something like that, Overlay is the class you want. If you are trying to show a collection of restaurants, or churches, or whatever, ItemizedOverlay works.

Note, though, that ItemizedOverlay is designed for modest numbers of points (e.g., dozens). If you have a large number of points, you may need to create your own Overlay just for performance reasons.

CommonsWare, thanks for your helpI want to draw route, but also on this route I want to add draggable markers. Every line between two points should I put in different Overlay Item ?? Can you please give me idea
@Jovan: you will probably need two overlays, one `Overlay` for the route and one `ItemizedOverlay` for the markers. Here is a project demonstrating drag-and-drop markers: