



I am using SenTest in XCode for my unit tests. I must run a command-line task for my unit tests to test. I can do that in the +initialize method of my test class (subclass of SenTestCase, of course).

I would like to terminate the command-line task when the tests are done. Since there's not an opposite of +initialize, I'm stumped.

Is there some way to subclass a SenTest class to do this that I'm overlooking?


You should look at Google Toolbox for Mac or its further derivative GHUnit. Both (I think) provide class-level setup and teardown at least. If you really want to run a command-line before all tests are run and then a second command line (perhaps to kill the first) after tests are run, I would modify the shell script build phase that runs the unit tests (the last step in a UnitTest bundle target's build phases).

Barry Wark
You don't need any additional frameworks to have class-level setup and teardown; these are part of OCUnit.
Chris Hanson

Don't run your command-line tool in +initialize. That's sent by the Objective-C runtime when the class is first sent any message.

Instead, run your command-line tool in your test's +setUp method. (Note that I really did mean +setUp and not -setUp; lots of folks seem to be a bit fuzzy on the difference between class and instance methods.)

In this case, a class setUp method is invoked by OCUnit before any of tests in a SenTestCase subclass are run, and a class tearDown method is invoked by OCUnit after all tests in a SenTestCase subclass ar run.

So the overall flow for a particular SenTestCase subclass is:

  • send +setUp to SomeTestCase
  • for each test method starting in SomeTestCase (call it test___)
    • create a new instance of SomeTestCase
    • send -setUp to it
    • send -test___ to it
    • send -tearDown to it
    • release it
  • send +tearDown to SomeTestCase

This way if you have something that needs to be done before any of your -test methods run, or something that needs to be done after all of your -test methods run, there's a deterministic point at which you can make that happen. (Rather than rely on memory management, which isn't deterministic in the same way, and may not be deterministic at all if you're using GC.)

Chris Hanson
I hadn't found anything that talked about the +setUp/+teardown methods. Thank you for the enlightenment.