



It's for a game of checkers. See revision history for older versions of code.

    private static Move GetBestMove(Color color, Board board, int depth)
        var bestMoves = new List<Move>();
        var validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
        int highestScore = int.MinValue;
        Board boardAfterMove;
        int tmpScore;
        var rand = new Random();

        Debug.WriteLine("{0}'s Moves:", color);

        foreach (var move in validMoves)
            boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);

            if(move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
                tmpScore = NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth);
                tmpScore = -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth);

            Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", move, tmpScore);

            if (tmpScore > highestScore)
                highestScore = tmpScore;
            else if (tmpScore == highestScore)

        return bestMoves[rand.Next(bestMoves.Count)];

    private static int NegaMax(Color color, Board board, int depth)
        var validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
        int highestScore = int.MinValue;
        Board boardAfterMove;

        if (depth <= 0 || !validMoves.Any())
            return BoardScore(color, board);

        foreach (var move in validMoves)
            boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);

            if(move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
                highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth));
                highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth - 1));

        return highestScore;

    private static int BoardScore(Color color, Board board)
        if (!board.GetValidMoves(color).Any()) return -1000;
        return board.OfType<Checker>().Sum(c => (c.Color == color ? 1 : -1) * (c.Class == Class.Man ? 2 : 3));

I'm trying it with depth 0, and the scores are correct for about half the game, and then all of a sudden it starts screwing up. One of the players will start proclaiming his score is higher than it really is. Why would it only work for half a game?!


Found the bug:

New code:

private static Move GetBestMove(Color color, Board board, int depth)
    var bestMoves = new List<Move>();
    IEnumerable<Move> validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
    int highestScore = int.MinValue;
    Board boardAfterMove;
    int tmpScore;
    var rand = new Random();

    Debug.WriteLine("{0}'s Moves:", color);

    foreach (Move move in validMoves)
        boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);

        if (move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
            tmpScore = NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth);
            tmpScore = -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth);

        Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", move, tmpScore);

        if (tmpScore > highestScore)
            highestScore = tmpScore;
        else if (tmpScore == highestScore)

    return bestMoves[rand.Next(bestMoves.Count)];

private static int NegaMax(Color color, Board board, int depth)
    IEnumerable<Move> validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
    int highestScore = int.MinValue;
    Board boardAfterMove;

    if (depth <= 0 || !validMoves.Any())
        return BoardScore(color, board);

    foreach (Move move in validMoves)
        boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);

        if (move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
            highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth));
            highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth - 1));

    return highestScore;

private static int BoardScore(Color color, Board board)
    if (!board.GetValidMoves(color).Any()) return -1000;
    return board.OfType<Checker>().Sum(c => (c.Color == color ? 1 : -1) * (c.Class == Class.Man ? 2 : 3));

I'm not 100% convinced this works perfectly. It seems to work for depth 0, and usually for depth 1... beyond that, I have no idea what the computer is thinking. Still doesn't appear to play super intelligently.

Edit: Running this and max speed... NegaMax agent vs Random. NegaMax always wins. Watching the scores for occurrences of "1000". He always wins within a few turns after that, so it does appear to be working, finally!
