
Checkers board structure

I am implementing a checkers game board with python. Here is how I generate the board structure as an [8][8] array: _matrix = [] for i in xrange(8): _matrix.append( [' '] * 8 ) for row in xrange(0, 8): for col in xrange(0, 8): if _darkQuad(row, col) == True: _matrix[row][col] = '#' ...

Checkers/draughts using minimax in C#

Hello, I have homework in **c#**. I have to make a game (such as checkers, chess or something else, but not tic tac toe - and I choose checkers/draughts) with using **minimax** and **alphabeta**, but I don't even know how to start :( **And I have a tight deadline**. I worked with c# a little bit at school, but I'm not a programmer. Now ...

Did I implement this minimax function correctly?

It's for a game of checkers. See revision history for older versions of code. private static Move GetBestMove(Color color, Board board, int depth) { var bestMoves = new List<Move>(); var validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color); int highestScore = int.MinValue; Board boardAfterMove; int tmp...

What is the best data-structure to represent a checkers board when speed is the primary concern?

I am currently implementing something quite similar to checkers. So, I have this table game and there are both white and black pieces. Where there are neither white or black pieces, you dno't have pieces. I'm currently doing the GetValidMoves() method that'll return all the current moves one can do with the current board. I am thus won...

Checkers/Draughts Server and Board implementation (through a web browser using Ruby on Rails)

Hi I'm developing a two player checkers website. The idea is to allow people sign up and add to a list of friends they have. They can then send or accept requests to/from a friend on their list to play a game of checkers via the site. I'm using Ruby on Rails to develop it (It’s mandatory in case people think another language is more a...