



I have a div that can be horizontally scrolled back and forth by clicking and dragging. What I need now is to get the cumulative change in the mouse's x-axis position while dragging around, even before onmouseup.

The heart of my problem right now is that because onmousemove fires every time the mouse moves 1px, the delta intervals are too tight for this relative change to be of any significance to these other functions that would use var deltaScroll.

I think what I need is a way to fetter this stream of data with a loop that accumulates incoming deltaScroll values into a single variable which oscillates with their rising and falling. I could be wrong though - if there's another way to do this, I'd love to hear it.

Currently using something more or less like the following:

var mouseDelta;
var prevDelta;
var deltaScroll;

$("#my-scrolling-div").mousedown(function (event) {

          //confirm mouse button is down
    $(this).data('down', true)

          //get mouse's x-axis position onmousedown                           
         .data('x', event.clientX)

          //get the div's scrollLeft position onmousedown
         .data('scrollLeft', this.scrollLeft);

    //just so browser won't highlight the div's content when dragging around
    return false; 

}).mouseup(function (event) {

  //confirm mouse button is released
  $(this).data('down', false);

}).mousemove(function (event) {

  //whenever mouse moves, if mouse button is down... (here there be dragons.)
  if ($(this).data('down') == true) {

      //scroll the div by the mouse's delta X since mousedown. fine.
      this.scrollLeft = $(this).data('scrollLeft') + $(this).data('x') - event.clientX;

      //set mouseDelta to equal the mouse's current delta X since onmousedown
      mouseDelta = $(this).data('x') - event.clientX;

      //get the difference between current delta and the delta logged from the last onmousemove
      deltaScroll = mouseDelta - prevDelta;

      //pass this relative change (delta of delta, change in change) through an external function, more than one in actuality

      //log mouseDelta at the end of each mousemove so we have something to set deltaScroll by on the next pass
      prevDelta = mouseDelta;


This seems like it should be pretty straight forward, but I'm strapped for ideas. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: This feels like an unreasonably hacky solution, but now I'm appending these delta values to a hidden HTML element as a string, so I end up with getting what I want with something like this:

if (isNaN(deltaScroll) == false){

  var strAdd = " + " + deltaScroll;

  //ends up accumulating into something like 0 + 3 + 151 + -447 + -45 + 168 + 61 + 21 + 19...

  var sum = eval($('#hidden-div').html());


There has to be a cleaner way... Thoughts?


If the relative change on onMouseMove is too small, this raises the question of over what period of time the change is significant? Or, another way to ask this question is, how fast should the mouse be moving for the corresponding deltaScroll value to be significant? What I'm getting at is that this might be a time where you should be polling for the value with a setInterval... this answer suggested 120ms as a good balance between responsiveness and performance cost.

Isaac Lubow