



We have a ruby application that depends on a gem with native extensions (in this specific case Nokogiri). However, for various reasons we cannot install the build prerequisites (such as build-essential, libxslt-dev, ruby-dev, etc) for that gem onto our production host.

Is there a (standard?) way to repackage the gem with the native extensions pre-built?

It should be possible (it seems to be fairly standard to do this for Windows), but I can't find any documentation on the subject.

Note that we only need to support a single platform, with known versions of all system libraries (Ubuntu 9.04 Server 64 bit, Ruby 1.8.7).

UPDATE: We're using Bundler, so we want to still have a gem to install at the end of the day, not a debian package.


We've used before. Compile the gem once into an RPM and then install that RPM on all your servers.

Jason Noble

Probably this can get you help started.


Finally found a way to do this for gems that use rake-compiler for building their C extensions (which is most of them).

You need to do the following on a machine that is identical to the one you want to deploy to, or it simply won't work:

Install the build prerequisites for building C extensions:

# apt-get install build-essentials ruby-dev # ... etc
# gem install rake-compiler

Unpack the gem you want to rebuild:

$ gem unpack nokogiri

Build your shiny new precompiled gem:

$ rake native gem

You can now install the native gem on a machine without any build tools installed:

$ gem install pkg/nokogiri- 
Successfully installed nokogiri-
1 gem installed