Tim Down I think is correct. I think that once you get to the point where you think you need to be able to distinguish between the two calling modes, then you should not use the "this
" keyword. this
is unreliable, and it could be the global object, or it could be some completely different object. the fact is, that having a function with these different modes of activation, some of which work as you intended, others do something totally wild, is undesirable. I think maybe you're trying to figure this out because of that.
There is an idiomatic way to create a constructor function that behaves the same no matter how it's called. whether it's like Thing(), new Thing(), or foo.Thing(). It goes like this:
function Thing () {
var that = Object.create(Thing.prototype);
return that;
where Object.create is a new ecmascript 5 standard method which can be implemented in regular javascript like this:
if(!Object.create) {
Object.create = function(Function){
// WebReflection Revision
return function(Object){
Function.prototype = Object;
return new Function;
Object.create will take an object as a parameter, and return a new object with that passed in object as its prototype.
If however, you really are trying to make a function behave differently depending on how it's called, then you are a bad person and you shouldn't write javascript code.