



Hey there,

I'm trying to create a self referencing object using linqTOsql mapping. So far, I am definitely in over my head. Here's the code I have:

public class Category
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true, AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert)]
    public Int64 catID { get; set; }
    public Int64 parentCatID { get; set; }
    public string catName { get; set; }
    public string catDescription { get; set; }

    internal EntityRef<IEnumerable<Category>> _category;
    [Association(ThisKey = "parentCatID", Storage = "_category")]
    public IEnumerable<Category> category {
        get { return _category.Entity; }
        set { _category.Entity = value; }

My fakeRepository is defined like this:

// Fake hardcoded list of categories
private static IQueryable<Category> fakeCategories = new List<Category> {
    new Category { catID = 1, parentCatID = 0, catName = "Root", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 2, parentCatID = 1, catName = "Category w/subs", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 3, parentCatID = 1, catName = "Category no subs but now has subs", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 4, parentCatID = 2, catName = "Zub Cat", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 5, parentCatID = 2, catName = "Sub Cat", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 6, parentCatID = 0, catName = "Another Root", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 7, parentCatID = 0, catName = "Ze German Root", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 8, parentCatID = 3, catName = "Brand new cats", catDescription = "" },
    new Category { catID = 9, parentCatID = 8, catName = "Brand new cats sub", catDescription = "" },

I pass Category to the view like this:

public ActionResult CategoryTree()
    IQueryable<Category> cats = genesisRepository.Category
                                                 .Where(x => x.parentCatID == 0)
                                                 .OrderBy(x => x.catName);
    return View(cats);

The problem that I'm running into is that all of this compiles, but I don't get anything beyond the root categories. Model[0].category is returning null.

What is wrong with my self-referencing object?


I wonder if it's not working because I don't have a real linq-to-sql data context in my fakeRepository. If that's the case, is there a way around that? Can I can get this to work without a connection to a database?


It is supposed to be null. You are getting all categories where the ParentId = 0 ... and you don't have a child with an Id of 0. So that seems right to me.

It is not showing any subcategories because it has no subcategories to show. Try this:

    IQueryable<Category> cats = genesisRepository.Category
                                                 .Where(x => x.parentCatID != 0)
                                                 .OrderBy(x => x.catName);

The parentCatId needs to point to a valid CatId for it to be a subcategory. This query should get you all the categories that are subcategories.

Thanks for that suggestion. I'll try it out tomorrow.
Same result with `parentCatID` set to null. It doesn't instantiate the sub categories.
+1  A: 

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. It's not working because you're using a fake repository.

Linq-to-Sql does all the wiring up for you and sets the related collections based on the properties (& their attributes) that you setup in your model.

I don't know how to accomplish this without a connection to the database because internal EntityRef<IEnumerable<Category>> _category; is completely foreign to me - I'm more of a POCO model type of guy.

After a quick google, I found this - How to: Map Database Relationships (LINQ to SQL)

Could you change your model to read:

[Column(IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true, AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert)]
public Int64 CatId { get; set; }
public Int64 ParentCatId { get; set; }
public string CatName { get; set; }
public string CatDescription { get; set; }

private EntitySet<Category> _ChildCategories;
[Association(Storage = "_ChildCategories", OtherKey = "ParentCatId")]
public EntitySet<Category> ChildCategories
    get { return this._ChildCategories; }
    set { this._ChildCategories.Assign(value); }

private EntityRef<Category> _ParentCategory;
[Association(Storage = "_ParentCategory", ThisKey = "ParentCatId")]
public Category ParentCategory
    get { return this._ParentCategory.Entity; }
    set { this._ParentCategory.Entity = value; }

Now because your ChildCategories is of type EntitySet<Category> (which inherits from IList<T>) you should be able to wire fake relationships up yourself.

So you could do something like this:

private static IQueryable<Category> GetFakeCategories()
    var categories = new List<Category> {
        new Category { CatId = 1, ParentCatId = 0, CatName = "Root", CatDescription = "" },
        new Category { CatId = 2, ParentCatId = 1, CatName = "Category w/subs", CatDescription = "" },
        new Category { CatId = 8, ParentCatId = 3, CatName = "Brand new cats", CatDescription = "" },
        new Category { CatId = 9, ParentCatId = 8, CatName = "Brand new cats sub", CatDescription = "" }

    //Loop over the categories to fake the relationships
    foreach (var category in categories)
        category.ChildCategories = new EntitySet<Category>(); //new up the collection
        foreach (var subLoopCategory in categories)
            if (category.ParentCatId == subLoopCategory.CatId)
                category.ParentCategory = subLoopCategory;

            if (category.Id == subLoopCategory.ParentCatId)
    return categoies.AsQueryable();

It works in my head at least... :-)


EDIT: Re: Comment below about a null reference on _childCategories.

You could change the model to look like:

private EntitySet<Category> _ChildCategories = new EntitySet<Category>();
Ah, This acutally looks really promising. I'll try it out and get back to ya soon. Thanks for the effort!!!
I've been working on a different area of this project lately, I hope to revisit this soon to try out this solutions... btw: that MSDN article you foubnd was great. I must have been using the complete wrong search terms when I was looking.
I tried it and it seemed to be going great. It compiles. I got a warning that said: `Field 'Genesis.Domain.Entities.Category._childCategories' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null`. Then when I tried to run the application I got an error in the browser that said: `Object reference not set to an instance of an object` and the line that was erroring is here `set { this._childCategories.Assign(value); }`..... Any thoughts?
See my edit above
Sahweet!!! It seems to be working! This is sweet. I have been trying to figure this out for the longest time! BTW: I read you blog article about DateTime getting screwed up in MVC2beta GET requests because of Culture. I just wanna say... No one says "I was born fifteenth January." They always say "January fifteenth". :-) Thanks for the help with the code!
Oh and BTW: To get this object working in a view I needed to add `<add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>` to my web.config.
I could easily get into a religious debate about how mm/dd/yyyy is wrong and dd/mm/yyyy is right, but this is not the place for such a debate! ;-) Glad I could help.
Indeed, thanks again for your help.