



I am working on an Forms Application that keeps track of information about different offices in an organization. The offices are organized into a hierarchy.

Some users of the program will have access to certain information about all offices in the hierarchy. Some users of the program will have access to only a small part of the hierarchy.

When a user browses for information they are authorized to see, I would like to present the user with a prompt to choose which office in the hierarchy they wish to see information from.

I want to accomplish the following:
A) I want the user to be able to easily navigate the hierarchy of the organization to locate a specific office.
B) I want the user to be able to navigate the hierarchy without refreshing the page.
C) I want my interface to be able to handle a hierarchy at least four layers deep with less than 100 nodes.

I see that Microsoft includes a TreeView control in the standard collection of ASP web controls. Would Treeview be the most appropriate tool for what I want to do, or is there a better way?

+1  A: 


The treeview would be an excellent place to start.


+1  A: 

I'd say with built in controls the Treeview is the way to go.

Here's a nice tutorial on how to use it.

+1  A: 

You could look at client-side JavaScript Tree libraries such as

Upvote for jquery/ajax instead of MS-ajax/postback. Yeah, it's personal bias - but its based on the amount of pain each one has caused me in the past. :)
Absolutely. I've tried several server-side controls in the past, but have found implementing JSTree with a .Net Web Service much easier... Here's an example: