



I have an assembly with all classes decorated with XML so that full IntelliSense is provided.

This works fine in my development environment (Visual Studio 2008 Express and VB.NET), but if I create an entirely separate project and import the dll in, the IntelliSense appears but it is not rendering properly.

For instance if I have something like:

This draws a circle onto a graphics <see cref="Graphics">surface</see>.

My IntelliSense renders as:

This draws a circle onto a graphics System.Drawing.Graphics.

I've tried fully qualifying the cref as T:System.Drawing.Graphics, but that makes no difference.

Any ideas how this can be fixed?

ETA: This happens even if the project is in the same solution as the assembly in question. If I add a reference to the assembly by Project, then the intellisense is fine. If I add a reference by browsing to the dll, then it renders like above.

ETA2: I'm starting to get that horrible feeling that this is expected behaviour. This is damn annoying because I've decorated all my classes while in the reference by project environment. Why the hell does it display different intellisense??? As you can see from my above example, what makes sense to me while developing, renders as gibberish to a customer.