Developing a little survey webapp, ran into problem that deals with ranges for rating type questions. So a rating's range could be:
and so on
The range is stored as a pair of varchars in database (start and end of range). So range always starts off as a string input.
What is the best way to take these string values and build a Ruby Range accordingly. I can't just go value.to_i as this won't work for string iteration. Having a bunch of if's seems ugly. Any better way?
Not as important, but worth asking: Also what if I wanted to make it all work with reversed range? Say 5-to-0 or G-to-A. I know that Ruby doesn't support reverse range (since it uses succ() to iterate). What would be the best way here?
Thanks in advance!
Based on Wouter de Bie's suggestion I've settled for this:
def to_int_or_string(str)
return str.match(/^-?\d+$/) ? str.to_i : str.strip
def ratings_array(from, to)
from = to_int_or_string(from)
to = to_int_or_string(to)
from > to ?, from).to_a.reverse :, to).to_a
Any thoughts?