



So basically I am trying to validate my drop down list (combobox) using the Validating event. This works, but calls the focus to my drop down list, not allowing a selection to be made.

Is there any way to get the errorProvider working with dropdownlist

 if (ddlTypeOfPass.SelectedIndex < 1)
                errorProvider1.SetError(ddlTypeOfPass, "Type of Pass is required");
                e.Cancel = true;
            errorProvider1.SetError(ddlTypeOfPass, "");

I thought drop-down lists were self-validating. Are you allowing free-form data entry? Is your 0-th item blank and you want to make sure they changed it? You could remove your blank item and skip validation, but sometimes keeping it blank initially is a requirement.

well it is self validating, and my 0-th is blank. I wanted the errorProvider to be present, and set the focus to the ddl, but the way i am doing it, the focus gets stuck, not allowing you to select an item from the ddl

I have figured this out, sorry my inital post may not have been helpful. I removed the e.Cancel to allow it to continue run, it sets focus, but does not force the user to stay on that control(which I kind of wanted) but this allows the user to actually set the drop down list.
