
Enumerate errors in an error provider

Is it possible to enumerate all the current errors being displayed through an "Error Provider" without having to access the controls? ...

How can I emulate ErrorProvider in .NET Compact Framework?

Since there is no ErrorProvider class in .NETCF, how can I implement similar functionality (not necessarily exactly like ErrorProvider)? I am using all the regular databinding constructs to bind controls to a datatable, using the DataRow.RowError property and DataRow.SetColumnError method, but I can't find events on any of DataTable, Bi...

Windows Forms - ErrorProvider + DataGridView

How can I hook in the ErrorProvider with individual cells on the DataGridView control? ...

Do not want Error Provider to check control validation until save event

I am writing a User Control. Into each control I am loading a custom biz object. Because the biz object implements IDataErrorInfo interface I am able to use the ErrorProvider control on the user control. I am binding the ErrorProvider to the biz object like this: Me.ErrorProvider1.DataSource=MyBizObject This is all working perfectly...

Customizing WinForms ErrorProvider to display it's icon inside control's entry

Hi, I have some custom/user controls that in most cases have label and entry, like this: Is there any way I can customize standard WinForms ErrorProvider to display it's icon inside entry (entry - textbox, combo, datetime etc...), like this: where red elipse is of course error indicator. Thanks for any help. ...

C# Winforms PropertyGrid and ErrorProvider

I'm working on extending the errorprovider to the propertygrid and treeview controls. I found a very helpful post at: Example detailing how to add the errorprovider to a propertygrid, and it works very well. My question is how did the author know that IPropertyValueUIService is the interface that the propertygrid uses to display the i...

Check Control.Value for data

Hi All, I have several different controls (TextBoxes, DateTimePickers, MaskedTextBoxes) on a form that I would like to check to see if they contain any data. I have the following code in the Click event of my "Save" button: private void radBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cancelled = false; bool...

Focus tabpage on error (.NET)

Hello, i have a TabControl with several TabPages and controls in every TabPage. I'm using some data binding and validation bult on entity framework. The problem is that when error occures on the tab, other than the visible one it cant be seen. Is there a way to make TabPage selected when the error occures on some control, hosted in it?(i...

Need help on this logic... (.NET)

This is the code I have in my form to check if the date the user selected is more than 14 days in advance, or in the past. If (dtpDate.Value > DateTime.Today.AddDays(14)) Then frmBookErr.SetError(dtpDate, "You cannot book more than two weeks in advance.") Else frmBookErr.SetError(dtpDate, "") End If If (dtpDate.Value < DateTime....

Error Provider in WPF

Hi, I am looking at WPF componenents in the toolbox but I cannot find the error provider that is present in 2005/2008. Is it removed? ...

ErrorProvider Not Allowing Blank Date TextBox Field

Hi, I'm using the ErrorProvider in VB.Net (2005) which is associated with a BindingSource that is bound to a custom object that I have created. This custom object contains a date field that has a "Date" data type that. I am using a "TextBox" to bind the date field in my form. My issue is, whenever the TextBox loses focus and is blank...

disable validation of errorprovider when click cancel button

is there a way to disable the validation of errorprovider elegantly when click cancel button to dismiss a winform? The validation always happens when the textbox lose focus, and i don't wanna it to validate when the user click cancel button, it is just a little bit silly to validate when the user clicking cancel. ...

Is there an equivalent to the ErrorProvider for Silverlight

Hello fellow SOers, I was wondering if there was a control similar to the ErrorProvider (in windows forms) available in Silverlight. I just have a very nice use for it and it would be very handy if there was one available. If not, is there a next best option that you experienced silverlighters are using. Regards Lloyd ...

Errorprovider shows error on using windows close button(X)

Hi guys, Is there any way to turn the damned error provider off when i try to close the form using the windows close button(X). It fires the validation and the user has to fill all the fields before he can close the form..this will be a usability issue because many tend to close the form using the (X) button. i have placed a button for...

DataBinding and ErrorProvider - How to provide custom error messages?

We use BusinessObjects, implementing IDataErrorInfo and IEditableObject. BindingLists with those Objects are added to BindingSources, those are used to bind UserControls and DataGrids on the forms (WinForms). The BindingSource is additionally set as DataSource to the ErrorProvider of the form. We do use currently TextBoxes for Propertie...

Handle ConstraintException and get ColumnName that cause the error

Hello, I have a Table Machines that made of: ID = Identity , Primary , AutoIncrement,NOT NULL SN = Unique , String , NOT NULL Name =String now I am using a form to insert data into this table, and I am using BindingSource and ErrorProvider, I am handling Null and Empty string in the DataSet layer (partial class in the dataset.xsd), no...

How to use error provider at run time along with associating any control to validate

I am trying to create a Validation in a reusable fashion. Purpose: Make the validation control reusable. Error Provider should associate with control passed dynamically and can be set or cleared at run time. When user press OnClick event then all the controls gets validated with their own Error Providers. public bool IsFieldEmpty(re...

C# WinForms ErrorProvider Control

Hi Does anyone know if there is a way to get a list of controls that have the ErrorProvider icon active. ie. any controls that failed validation. I'm trying to avoid looping all controls in the form. I'd like to display some sort of message indicating how many errors there are on the form. As my form contains tabs I'm trying to make...

How do I change the CellErrorStyle for an Xceed Datagrid?

So in the Xceed documentation there is a code example that does not work for me. It may be because my grid is bound to a DataGridCollectionView. The objects in the collection used by the datagridcollection are what implement IDataErrorInfo. The errors are showing up just fine. The problem is that they are using the default orange bac...

How to set ErrorProvider Icon left for all Controls programmatically

We use derived Form-Classes, with one base form class for our software. On the derived forms we use DataBinding extensively to deal with our BusinessObjects, all implementing IDataErrorInfo, throwing custom error-messages on false inputs to the GUI with ErrorProviders. I now search for a way to implement a function in the base-form-cla...