I need to write an OpenID client for a new platform (some funny flavour of server-side javascript) and I am trying to understand the authentication sequence. I've been reading the Ruby implementation and writing tests the types of requests / responses that generates.
The initial request is on the form:
this.getBeginUrl = function(options){
if(!options) throw("getBeginUrl requires an options hash of the form: {return_to_path:'/path/to/return?something', base:'http://server.name'}")
if(!options.return_to_path) throw("must supply return_to_path");
if(!options.base) throw ("must supply base url");
var params = {
'return_to':options.base + options.return_to_path + '&open_id_complete=1' // Assuming the return-to url has a ? in it
if(options.required) params['sreg.required'] = options.required;
var result = [];
for(var e in params) result.push([escape('openid.'+e)] +"=" +escape(params[e]));
return openid_url + '?' + result.join('&'); // Assuming the openid url didn't have a ? in it already
So my question is about how to create this assoc_handle
field and how to verify what comes back from the openid server. And something about nonces.
The response when I send this request is of the form:
So I guess I need to understand how to verify that this response came from the original request before saving contents of the nickname field (which is all I'm really interested in verifying) somewhere.