



So there's this great plugin I've gotten used to using in my Rails 2 projects called Bootstrapper. It essentially duplicates the functionality of the seeds.rb file, but I like it because it lets you break up your bootstrap process into concise chunks.

Anyway, I've gone so far as to fork the project and attempt to turn it into a Rails 3 gem. I've been able to get the gem to initialize and register the rake tasks and generators OK. However, I'm running into a problem with the Bootstrapper class itself. It won't load in the Rails project unless it's in a module.

That is, if I place the Bootstrapper class in a file by itself and require that file in my Railtie, then in my Rails app, it can't find the Bootstrapper class. If I put the class in a module and call Bootstrapper::Bootstrapper everything is peachy.

The code that actually requires the Bootstrapper class is this:

ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do
  require 'bootstrapper/bootstrapper'

The source is available here: