i am struck with a problem in jsp. in my form i have 2 drop down boxes. depending on the value selected in the first box (which is populated from DB), i have to populate the second box from the database. is it possible using jsp and javascript?
i did try to retrieve the value selected in the first menu using javascript n pass it in d query of jsp code, but it didn't work here is dat function
function createmenus()
var form = document.getElementById('f1');
var supplier_select = document.createElement('select');
var index=document.getElementById("item").selectedIndex;
var itemnumber=document.getElementById("item").option[index].value;
String number="<script>document.writeln(itemnumber)</script>";
Connection con=JdbcDAO.conn();
PreparedStatement psmt;
psmt = con.prepareStatement("select sup_no,sname from supplier where sup_no IN (select sup_no from supplier_item where itemno='number')");
ResultSet rs=psmt.executeQuery();%>
var temp="<%=rs%>";
supplier_select.add(new Option("<%=rs.getString("sname")%>","<%=rs.getString("sup_no")%>"));
JdbcDAO is my self made class for DB connectivity
is possible at all this way?? plz help me out...... alternatives in java will do :)