



I am basically quite sure this pattern must exist and possess a name... for now I will call it "gate pattern"...

Here it is:

In my webpage's javascript, I have to trigger various asynchronous processes. Let's not discuss how trully async js is, but anyway I have to trigger 2 or 3 AJAX calls, must be sure, the UI build-up has finished, and so on.

Only then, when all these processes have finished, I want to do run a certain function. And precisely once.


1: cropStore loaded()
2: resizeEvent()
3: productStore loaded()

The Pattern: At the end of every (sucessful) Ajax-load-callback, the end of the GUI construction routine, etc... I set a respective flag from false to true and call gatedAction()

onEvent( 'load',
   ....  // whatever has to happen in response to cropStored, resized, etc...
   // lastly:
   f1 = true; //resp f2, f3, ...

Gate will check the flags, return if any flag is still unset, only calling the target function, if all flags (or as I call them: gates) are open. If all my async pre-conditions call gatedAction() exactly once, I hope I can be sure, the actual targetFunction is called exactly once().

gatedAction ()
   // Gate
   if ( ! f1) return;
   if ( ! f2) return;
   if ( ! f3) return;

   // actual Action ( <=> f1==f2==f3==true )

In practice it works reliably. On a side-note: I think java-typical (not js-typical) synchronization/volatile concerns can be ignored, because javascript is not truly multithreading. Afaik a function is never stopped in the middle of it, just to grant another javascript function in the same document run-time...

So, anyone, is there a name for this? :-)

I need this pattern actually quite often, especially with complex backend UIs.. (and yes, I think, I will turn the above butt-ugly implementation into a more reusable javascript... With a gates array and a target function.)

+1  A: 

It sounds like Balking pattern to me.

A good first pointer! Thanx. It talks of only a single precondition though. And my exactly-once mantra (in the face of coming from multiple calls/threads) is also not reflected...
Well in this case the pre-condition would be that "all these methods have finished executing"; it still is a single pre-condition.
Balking is about acting *object* state - but there can be any number of states to check, in fact this is frequently implemented as a switch. cf. the pattern I have heard referred to variously as the gatekeeper or guardian or clause pattern which is about checking *input*.
Thanx. I have a hard time googling these (in a software context. plenty of clause patterns...). There's a software-related but still-offtopic (though interesting) gatekeeper pattern (think: Scrum MC/PO) here , even if I translate this to software itself, it's something different.

In addition to the actual answer to your question, you might be interested in the Rx framework for Javascript. It's a port of the .NET version and allows you to compose events, so you don't have to work with tons of flag variables. It's meant for this sort of thing.

But way too heavy. What I got in mind should fit into a 20-30 lines of javascript, even in a generalized form. (Looking at typical ExtJS javascript code, at least that's my estimate).Still: Thanx!
+1  A: 

I have no idea, if your pattern has a special name, but it seems equivalent to just using a counting semaphore, which blocks the thread, which started all those other actions, until they all made a V-invocation. Of course, there are no threads and semaphores in JavaScript, but instead of using many boolean variables you could use just one integer for counting.

Dominik Seibold
">you could use just one integer for counting" In practice: No. Stuff like resize events are notorious to kick in multiple times, even on a single resize. (OK, my question wording was not precise: Target action exactly once, after all prerequisite actions at least once is probably what hits it)
+1  A: 

It is similar to the Rendezvous pattern, although that pattern is generally used in the context of multithreaded real-time systems.

Kristopher Johnson
Cool. We're getting close! "reifies the synchronization of multiple threads as an object itself" hits it quite well (the above pattern is not meant as a singleton, there can be distinct things "to jointly wait for" in a big page).
"The Rendezvous object may contain data to be shared as the threads synchronize" actually covers a point I ommited. Because once all pre-requisite threads are done with their part, indeed there's typically stuff the targetAction must access regarding "their work". So having threads deposit "their stuff" (result/construct reference) as an array parameter of gatedAction() makes a lot more sense then channeling it by other (dodgier) means...