



With a large set of tables in a SQL database, I've implemented the DataGridVirtualizingCollectionView to 'lazy load' where needed into the WPF front end using XCeeds DataGrid for WPF.

This works quite well, but I notice that this class doesn't implement any kind of filtering mechanism. Looking at the documentation here it appears that the appropriate technique is to use the DataGridVirtualizingQueryableCollectionView (spot the difference!).

However, there doesn't seem to be any documentation for this class itself, or decent examples. I'm left struggling to bind this into the data I have. Whereas, for the default 'virtualizer', you write handlers for the 'query items' events, this class has no such handles. All it shows is that it requires an IQueryable source.

Does anyone have any examples of how to plug this component into a SQL data source? Even better a link to some examples would be great.

I should note that my implementation is focussed on C#, and not WPF, for manipulating the grid etc.

Many thanks.