



I am trying to install Diaspora. When I bundle install in Windows, I encounter some problems which include

C:/Ruby Installation/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.2/lib/bundler/ \
source.rb:550:in ``': No such file or directory - git clone \
"" \
"C:/RubyInstallation/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/bundler/ \
git/devise-d0ffd5c55896afd260298fd75c36924c72f6636c" --bare --no-hardlinks \

I also looked into the forums and tried the solutions posted there but they were of little help.

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

I found the error (and in hindsight it's quite obvious): the gem you're trying to install apparently is to be installed from github. The consequence is that you'll have to run the bundle install command from the Git Bash command line. You seem to be trying to run the bundle install from a regular command line, but in that environment, the git command does not work.

Pascal Lindelauf